Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Joy in blindness...

For a couple of years, we have had chick-fil-a morning bible studies with the girls in the community. There are several churches and denominations represented. It is a beautiful picture of believers coming together for a common purpose. Jesus.

This week, we camped out on John 9, the blind man healed. I had a completely different lesson planned, and God guided the girls to a different direction.

A question was asked of, "What benefit would it be to the blind man, if he would have returned from the pool still blind?" Often, we choose to be obedient to Jesus when he tells us the instant reward.  Jesus simply placed spit and dirt in the man's eyes and told him to go wash in a certain pool. The blind man was given no hope of healing or a miracle, but still HE WENT.

The girls answered the question with the answer.... "His benefit would be knowing he obeyed Christ. His reward would come one way or another."

The blind man was healed because he showed faith through BLIND OBEDIENCE. He went without knowing the outcome.

Are we obedient to the Spirit's calling even if we don't know if a benefit will even come to us? We are selfish in our obedience.  Many of us live in a way that tells the world that we work on a merit system with Christ. If we are good, He rewards. If we are disobedient, we are fearful of punishment.

One of the girls shared this example... she came home from school one day and randomly decided to unload the dishwasher. Her mom got home from work and began to cry over her daughter's willingness to be obedient...just to be.

Blind obedience is a way for us to throw ourselves in the arms of the Father and trusting that He has us taken care of. We are obedient because we love Him and want to make Him smile. In return, He wants to lavish so many blessings on us because we are His children, simply that.

"If you obey My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in His love."

Take a risk, be blind, and let Him heal!