Friday, February 18, 2011

Joy in Florida of all places...home of the retiree and baseball players

I woke up at 9am this morning only to find no responsibilities waiting at my door (or on my phone). I took a deep breath for the first time and realized that some of life can be enjoyed NOT on a schedule.

I adore the family I am with. They are loving towards each other and laugh constantly! Just my cup of tea. The girls think I hung the moon (which they will soon learn...I didn't) and are so anxious to start school. However, here is the catch...we aren't starting school until MONDAY! YIPPEE!! We are taking the weekend to get settled for the next month and to explore this beautiful part of the state.

The last time I was on the beach was Beach Retreat, and we all know NO relaxing gets done there! I am giddy to find out what all else God has in store. He has blessed me more than I know and realize! I understand now when the psalmist cries out...

Psalm 103:1 NASB
Bless the Lord , O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name.

Sometimes you don't have to rely on what you know...sometimes you can react because of how you feel. And I feel like I need to scream out of excitement for what the LORD has done for me. 

Here is to finding a NEW JOY to sing everyday. For was found in a blank phone when I woke up and four little girls waiting for me to get up :).