When it came time to pay for the appointment (after being told I had a double eye infection), i pulled out my insurance card and gave it to the receptionist. She was annoyed that she had to call the insurance people, b/c my name wasn't pulling up in the system. I knew I had insurance, my pay-check says so! But the small feeling of fear rushed over me. "What if I don't have insurance, what am I going to do??" I can't imagine the real fear people you don't have insurance at all feel when they get sick or their kids get sick and have to go the doctor. "How am I going to pay for this, when I can't even afford insurance?"
At youth group tonight, Chad mentioned that 1% of students in Cy-Fair district were Christians!!! ONE PERCENT! It broke my heart to think of the students that walk around everyday NOT knowing Jesus and resting in His peace. They carry the biggest loads of sin, pain, and struggles and no one to turn to. How do they do it? The two situations tie hand in hand. Just because you have insurance does not write you off for never having pain or getting sick, but provides a way for you to get better, faster through doctor's help. Just because you are a Christian does not mean you will not have struggles or pain, it just means that you have Someone who is there to make you better, faster, and to give you a plan for your life. I am a child of the MOST HIGH GOD and I still struggles to make it day by day. How awful for those who have no clue??
There are a group of students, 99%, that need Jesus. They need Him to get through life, to give them life, to give their life meaning and purpose. How will they hear? How will they know? 99% is too high of a number for me. However, nothing is impossible with God, through God, for God...so 99% percent....HERE WE COME!!!
You are the God of this city...Cy-Fair school district...and Cypress Student Ministry! Greater things are yet to come! I watch. I wait. My eyes (bloodshot and infection and all) look towards Heaven. Waiting. I'm ready. Send me!