Saturday, March 21, 2009

joy in discipline

"The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the innermost parts of his being."

The innermost parts are ugly, disgusting, and many of us choose to ignore them or cover them up. They become stored away, rusting and covered with dust in hopes they will disappear one day. Out of sight out of mind, right? The problems that steal at your joy seem surface and "easy" to fix. So you begin to try to "fix" those issues, and as you dig, you realize the problem is a lot bigger than anything you remember. It is overwhelming and relieving. Frightening and freedom. It's discipline and love. 

When something is wrong with your physical body and you have to go to the doctor, the terrifying part comes in the unknown...not knowing what the disease is.  Once you go through a series of tests, you figure out that all of the symptoms have one major source. The symptoms is not your problem, the disease is. The doctor begins to treat the disease and the symptoms clear with the healing.  

We are sick. We have symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, loneliness, fear. Those however are not our cancer. We must allow our spirit and the Holy Spirit to test our hearts for the disease that plagues our joy. What is hidden so far in your heart, you choose to ignore it because of the pain that recovered? What symptoms are killing your joy for life, because you choose to ignore the diagnosis? 

The LORD is your healer. He is great at taking the sickness, diagnosing it for what is really is, and doing whatever is necessary to heal it, from the inside out. Discipline is necessary for healing. For joy. For life. We make lousy doctors, horrible healers. We are really good at putting on band-aids. It's time to strip it all off, and let the one who created and molded our hearts to heal them. It hurts, but the pain is glorious compared to the death that awaits us if we do nothing. 

"I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full." - Jesus the Healer.